
Archive for 2014

OK I Give Up! – NOT!

Okay – I think I can finally and tentatively declare Victory! A few lessons learned from this ugly business. The biggest one was that while it was pretty obvious that most of the spammers were automatic, there were two types! One group obviously used the comment forms on posts directly. Creating comments on random postings, […]

OK I Give Up!!! – Part 4!!!!

Ok, comments are working now BUT 😯 It would seem while the “normal” user could not leave any comments – the spammers have been working around the clock anyways… obviously accessing the comment files directly!  👿 I managed to find an older version of the file that was corrupted – which is good as some […]

OK I Give Up!!! – Part 3!!!

Man I’ve taken a look at my logs. “Unknown” sites are visiting a minimum of every hour to try and obviously plant SPAM on this site… I’m obviously posted on somebody’s list out there  👿 Add to that the fact that even after upgrading my Captcha tools – I was still getting SPAM  😯  So […]

OK I Give Up – Part 2!!

Soooo… I thought I had found a nice compromise on Captcha programs… You know those irritating things that you have to fill in to prove you are a person that everyone is using these days. It was pretty simple, essentially numbers (written out in words)  put into a math problem and all one had to […]

OK I Give Up!

👿 To say that I am grumpy and upset right now is an understatement 👿 I don’t want to tell you how many hundreds of  spammy crappy comments I’ve had to delete this past week. Someone out there has either listed me as an easy target or a dead site that everyone can post all […]
