
Archive for 2010

Portable Ubuntu Remix Plays Nice with Windows

( Linux andWindows )

So after all the issues I ran through trying to get our CherryPal Bing up to speed, the next thing I wanted to do was to get some form of Linux or Ubuntu installed within the Windows environment so that I could use it’s more powerful tools to help manage the system. I had done […]

CherryPal… The Rest of the Story

Let me start off this story by stating right up front that both my wife and I love the little CherryPal Bing we bought her, it’s a great little machine that does exactly what she needs to do and does it very well. It’s a sleek little Netbook that gets lots of ooohs and aaahhhhs […]

CherryPal Pie, Re-cut

So another problem that I just fixed with my CherryPal Bing has been overcome. This one needed a lot more prep work in advance ( in case things went wrong ) compared to the actual fix, which was pretty straightforward. The problem was the hard drive. The bing comes with a great little 160GB drive. […]

Bing! A New License for my CherryPal!

As you may recall, I was not having very good luck with updating the license for my CherryPal Bing. If you aren’t sure, you can read about it here ( the-bloom-is-off-my-cherrypal .) Well today I tried the last thing I could find….. actually using a Microsoft solution for their own problem and believe it or […]

The Bloom is Off my CherryPal

Well nothing like a blown power supply to slow all my plans down…. Took some time to put everything back together and up grade the storage space etc etc…. now onward and …. well… 👿 I have yet to tell you the whole horrid story behind the issues with my CherryPal, I promise it’s coming… […]
