
Archive for 2008

Pastebin – A Great and Free Troubleshooting Aid

( WWW )

So I have been working with Aaron over at HPLIP trying to resolve an issue that I am having with that troublesome printer that I talked about yesterday. Thanks to his great product I am now able to print to my HP1000 within Ubuntu but for some reason, when that one printer is networked any […]

Ubuntu and HP Printers

( Linux )

As I warned, I am now dabbling with Linux/Ubuntu again (since I finally got my hard drives partitioned in a manner that makes me happy .) I have to tell you that I am really, really pleased with how simple and easy (in general ) it is becoming to install and use a package like […]

A Wii Curling Travesty

A bit of background here for you. I’ve been a curler at heart since I first watched my dad slide down the ice at the age of 10 or so. I started curling when in High School, in the school boy league and quickly graduated in skill to the level of skip (team leader for […]

WordPress Upgrade “Gotchas”

Oh the joys of upgrades! As I am sure most of you are aware by now, the software on most computers that you install gets, or should get upgraded every now and then, either by small pieces of software called patches , or by larger pieces called upgrades. WordPress ( software upon which this blog […]

Ubuntu Lives!

( Linux )

Well I finally solved the puzzle of installing Ubuntu 8.04 within a dual boot environment alongside an already installed Windows installation. Unfortunately, the website I found the information on is lost within the Internet somewhere. It was during one of my many Google searches for the dual boot solution (recalling the problem as mentioned in […]
