
Archive for 2011

MobileMe iDisk on Ubuntu

( Apple andLinux )

So – now that things are working again…. for now 🙄 , I thought I’d chat about something that worked the first time out – and it worked really Really well! As I’ve mentioned, I’ve fallen down the rabbit-hole vis-a-vis Apple. I thought that I would give their MobileMe feature a try since I now […]

NVIDIA Problems with my ATI Graphics Card

So once again I’ve proven to myself that Ubuntu – my favourite operating system STILL isn’t ready for prime time! 👿 I would have thought that after two years of getting things “better” they would have gotten some of the basic stuff right! I mean I ranted about problems with ATI Cards and Ubuntu TWO […]

iPhone to iPad to Mobile me to iDisk to ?

Yep, I’ve been away for a while again…. not that I haven’t been busy. I’ve been up to my eyeballs ( and beyond 🙄 ) in work. It would seem all that volunteer work I’ve been doing for some of the local websites in town has turned into a demand for businesses to update/manage/create their […]
