
Archive for 2013

Three Months and Still Very Happy!

So it’s been just over 3 months, as we head into the latter part of December, that we pulled the plug on our Cable ( to be truthful on our Satellite – we dropped Cable 5 yrs earlier due to costs! ) We haven’t missed it once and saving $$$ every month isn’t bad either! […]

Lifeline to Victory

( My Time )

Remembrance Day, November 11… This is a day that everyone in my family, children, sisters, brothers, in-laws, Aunts, Uncles stop and purposefully spend time remembering all our family, friends of family and complete strangers and reflect upon the sacrifices that they made, both with a and to their lives, to get us to where we […]

A Long Time Between Postings This Time

( My Time )

Yep – once again it’s been a while, not sure whether it was because I was too busy doing other stuff, too lazy, or too something else…. it just happens. Well I have to say it is that time of year again, Fall is upon us and soon Winter will arrive and with it Christmas… […]

More on Gipp’s Passing

I’ve been given permission to publish portions of several emails that I recieved on the 16th – shortly after Gipp Forster had passed away. I am putting them up here for both those looking for background as well as those who wanted to know more about his passing. He will be greatly missed… From Dale […]

Off-Season Santa

In memory of Gipp and for all of those looking for more info on his life… with permission from the author Barry Bowman I wrote a little piece about Gipp last year before we got the bad news. It’s from a column I write for a paper in Saskatchewan… OFF-SEASON SANTA Santa Clause happens to […]
