
Archive for 2007

A Couple of WordPress Plugins

So, I warned you yesterday that I would be taking a closer look at improving my editor options within WordPress… Who knew it would be so soon! There was actually two tools that I was looking for. One was an improved editor, or enhancement to what I currently had and the second was a statistical […]

Last Weekends WordPress Woes…

One of the things I learned a long, long time ago, is that if you are tired or have been working on something for too long, take a break, or wait till tomorrow to finish it. It has been a very, VERY painful learning process for me and by now I would have thought it […]

Electrostatic Sheets

I’ve just printed off a type of electrostatic sign for my wife’s car. She is a member of Kiwanis, and every fall they put on a haunted house called Skreamers. It’s a fun event for all those who like to create that sort of thing, as well as those who like to be scared by […]

Babylon 5

( My Time )

Well, my wife was away for the weekend, and while I could have taken on all sorts of tasks and outstanding “things” that needed to be done, I decided to catch up on one of my personal interests “Babylon 5“. This year, as a gift for our Anniversary and my birthday, I received DVD sets […]

Working with WordPress – Part II

Wow, with a lot of work and experimentation yesterday… apologies to anyone who may have experienced some of the oddities … I now have a second column on my blog that I can put ad’s on to or point to some of my favorite commercial sites (like Ferrari Coffee). I also was able to modify […]
